
Archive for January, 2013

Panting dog

It’s just been so HOT this summer! And it’s not just us humans that are being affected, our pets are feeling the heat too.

Here are 10 great tips for keeping your pets cool this summer: (in no particular order)

1. Clip long haired dogs and cats fur shorter

2. Create a shaded area, not just a tree, but even a shade cloth under a tree.

3. Give them a kiddie-pool to cool off in

4. Put water in an ice-cream container, throw in a few treats and freeze, then give it to your dog the next day as a frozen treat.

5. Always provide fresh water in a shaded area, and throw some ice cubes in there when you are home.

6. Special beds or vests with cooling gel can be purchased for dogs or cats

7. Instead of a hot walk, take them for a swim or play in the sprinklers, or have a  water fight with the hose.

8. Go for walks in the early morning or evening, and bring cold water in a bottle for drink breaks. Don’t forget that your dog can get scorched paw pads on the hot concerete during the heat of day!

9. Put sunscreen on their noses/ears, especially animals with white fur and pink skin

10. Never leave them in a car unattended during summer time.

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